Monday, January 26, 2009

It's amazing we make it out of the house!

Lately Ben and I have been very forgetful. I swear it seems like we always manage to forget something when we go on a trip! Here's a little taste of what we've been like lately: when we were traveling to Michigan for Kate's birthday, we both forgot our cell phones! Then on our way back to Chicago, we forgot our camera in Michigan! So we don't have any of the cute pictures/videos we took at Kate's birthday party. We won't be getting our camera back until my mom comes back from her visit with Beth, Brian, and Kate next week.

So, here is a small post to satisfy our loyal followers (you know who you are and we appreciate your support ;) ). I was playing around with some old video we had (since our new stuff is in Michigan!), and I found some cute video of Kate when she was still learning to crawl. It was my first time editing, so enjoy!

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